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5 Ways to Keep Your Summer Fitness Goals on Track

Are you starting to feel the summer temptation? The itch to leave workouts behind and give in to the beverages by the pool and late-night social snacks. US TOO!

All those sweaty, hardcore workouts can’t be for nothing. Even with the hot sun beaming down on you, don’t let yourself fall behind and slowly lose sight of what it is you’ve been working towards: your sexy wellness goals.

Since balance is key, here's 5 easy ways you can stick to your fitness goals and maintain your incredible strength, mental stamina, and feeling unstoppable as you hit up those summer activities...hike or SUP anyone?!

5 Ways to Stay on Track With Your Fitness Goals

We are all for misbehaving... but sometimes you have to behave. Here are 5 badass ways to stay on track with your fitness goals this summer.

1. Pre-Schedule Your Workouts

If you’re finding it hard to stick to your fitness goals during the nice weather, try planning your workouts just as you do the rest of your day.

Planning gives your brain the idea that you are obligated to do something. Whether you write it on your calendar or just make a mental note that today, at 4 pm, you are joining the workout class, it will help you. Your brain wants to execute plans, and if you tell it to, it will.

Stax is here to support your fitness goals. We offer your favorite spin classes and heart pumping workouts in our virtual studio so you can schedule in a little me time. Enjoy your fitness anytime, anywhere.

This type of commitment is the best way to follow through with your summer fitness goals and makes it easier for you to get in the zone.

2. Consume Healthy Super Foods

Healthy bodies are made in the kitchen. Even if you can stick to a workout plan and stay on track inside the studio, an even more crucial part of attaining your fitness goals is to eat healthy and well.

Superfoods are the best way to get your body the nutrients it needs while still giving you the right amount of carbs, protein, and vitamins alike. The benefits of great foods go above and beyond what any workout routine can offer.

Being healthy outside of the gym is where you’ll really see your body and fitness levels prosper. Maintaining a fitness schedule but eating unhealthy foods will give you a "two steps forward, one step back" type of routine. If you want your time working out to pay off, the rest of your lifestyle should follow.

Eating well and training hard go hand in hand to help you reach your summer fitness goals.

If you're wanting to learn more about Superfoods, keep your eyes peeled for our next blog post where we'll dive into the top 100!

3. HOLLA AT an Accountability Partner

A workout buddy, a gym pal, whatever you may call this person... every gym-goer needs someone who holds them accountable for their actions. If you skip a session, you’d better believe they’ll be all over you about it.

Accountability partners or gym buddies, push you to follow through with your word and attend the sessions you sign up for. Not only are you letting yourself down if you decide to stay home, but now someone else is waiting for you to show up.

Your accountability partner could be a friend you see at the gym most days or even your favorite Stax instructor! Help your friends meet their fitness goals and they’ll likely do the same for you. Accountability is a big responsibility, and no one wants to stand up their workout partner!

4. Choose Motivating Exercise

Exercise is not the same on everyone’s body, and we all have a favorite spin class, stackable workout, or exercise activity that really gets our blood pumping.

If an outdoor run or weight lifting session doesn't fire you up today, try out gyms and workout classes that excite you! There are so many options! You can be as picky as you want until you find a style that gets you out of bed in the morning.

Stax Cycle offers incredible beat infused, high intensity workouts that are designed to define and tone your entire body with minimal equipment. Our express workouts are built to be stacked, so you can dig deep and give your body exactly what it needs. Some days it might be 1 quick workout or some days you might stack 2 or 3!

Dreading a workout is no way to maintain a schedule and keep up your summer fitness. Stay on track and be happy to do it!

5. Set Goals – And Never Give Up on Yourself

Finally, don’t be so hard on yourself. This past year has been a roller coaster for everyone and may not be where you thought you would.

Instead of feeling down about this, get back up and try again. Whichever fitness level you find yourself at, set reachable goals for the short and long term, and find a way to reach them. After each plan you surpass, you’ll be left feeling badass and fitter than ever.

Upholding fitness goals in the hot summers is not easy, but you weren’t made for easy. You were made to slay your summer goals! #LETSMISBEHAVE

Stax's on-demand platform hosts our real, raw + unrehearsed collection of our spin + sculpt library, along with other bonus content to keep the fire burning, whenever and wherever it works for you!

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We're strictly an online company after the closure of our physical studio in Calgary, AB in May of 2022.


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